production: video progress

 Filming itself was completed over the weekend. The whole thing was done it one shot, in order of storyboards. The plushie I used for Mickey had less range of movement than it used to, as it's aged a few years. Because of this, I changed up his posing, deviating from the boards a bit. It did keep falling over though, specifically when I attempted to pose him upright, especially with the wind.  The plushie for A and C fell over more than a few times during the process as well, so I propped them up with water bottles. I did this in a way that isn't visible on camera. A fell down anyway though, so I had to fix that one in particular a lot. We filmed the glitter vomit scene last, as planned. It worked out nicely. I and my camera person also filmed some landscape shots and close ups for additional room to put in credits. This was something I hadn't accounted for the first time I attempted to film, so I'm glad it came to mind this time around.

The weather was sunny, which made for consistent lighting. In my music video project project ages ago, the last shot was cloudy and windy despite a majority of it being sunny. Thankfully I avoided that for this current film by starting earlier in the day. I made an effort to check the weather as well, so I knew there was a good chance the weather would work out in our favor. My only gripe was that it was a bit too hot. It didn't change the final product in any major way, but it did make me and my camera person sluggish at first. That and the both of us neglected to have breakfast. Eventually though we got in the swing of things. Our new location was less crowded too, with just some people getting in the background and not invading my shots in any major way. I remembered all the essential props too, so the shots are more ideal visually. I finished up and had lunch with my camera person at my house. I made a start on editing that night.


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