

  • February 3rd- Test filters/film angles//editing product/ideas for post production sounds
  • February 4th- Filming
  • February 5th- More filming if necessary
  • February 10th/11th or 17th/18th: Voiceovers for A, B, and C
  • February 11th- Voice overs for  Mickey as well as Terra if necessary
  • February 12th- More filming to reshoot or even shoot for the first time if schedule goes awry.
  • February 18th- Another back up filming day
  • February 19th- A back up editing day


I have several parks in mind for this film. One of them in particular caught my eye. I don't want to pick one with a playground, as they are often crowded with small children, who would be distracting in the background or potentially could touch or damage props.


I'm working in a group on my own, directing, producing, and editing, as well as updating these blogs. Believe it or not I do plan on playing the two main characters as well.  However, A, B, and C will be played by friends. I've got school mates and a DND group to choose from, so the plan is just to have one voice actor for A, B, and C respectively

Health and Safety

I do plan on using a glitter glue prop, or some sort of glitter mixture, or just glitter on it's own. I'll have to put down plastic wrap or parchment paper so it doesn't get in the grass, and we'll be careful not to ingest any. I'll also carry disinfectant and baby wipes, because the glitter prop does get on my face at some point. I plan on carrying disinfectant wipes and a lint roller in case the plushies get dirty, to not only keep the scenes consistent but to avoid touching too much dirt.

  • The aforementioned glitter/ glitter glue/ glitter mix.
  • The plushies
  • Picnic blanket
  • Picnic basket
  • Various fruit and non perishables
  • Tea set
  • Clear string

I plan to wear something colorful as Terra, maybe a yellow or red. I'll probably put in contacts as well, as my glasses would just get dirty. If I can get something with a traditional sci-fi alien homage, I'll do that. She's the only one who really needs dressing, considering she's the only human character/actor. If can get my hands on cute little outfits for the plushies, I'll do that.

Back up plans

I have back up filming days. If the glitter mixture doesn't work out, I'll replace it with some sort of paint. If I can't get my hands on clear string to make the glitter gag scene work ( This is the one bit of puppeteering I need, otherwise the plushies 'move offscreen' ) then I'll have to figure out an angle to make it work, or cut the joke entirely.


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