Short film research: Lucia ( drama/coming of age)


Lucia is a film about a girl in a foster home in which the children, a small group of them, run around unsupervised. It is a bit grey, but not colorless. Almost as if everything is clouded in grey brown fog. There is not always music. When it is present, it is quiet and twinkly around moments of the children being innocent, and during the climax there is more of a sinister tone reminiscent of a flatline than music score. The film includes lots of close ups and the camera moves around following and peering around almost as if it were one of the children, and often it IS with point of view shots. The film a sweet ending that makes up for the majority of the run time, in which the protagonist shares a moment with the other foster children. I took note of the tone. It was bittersweet but relatively gloomy for the most part. The actors are good, they really sell the emotions of the complicated situation. Their clothes and the children themselves are a bit filthy, the protagonist has unkept hair, showing their neglect. She has a pet toad, which makes you sympathize with her weirdly enough when you see how she loves it. A notable prop was in the background, how the one adult asleep upstairs has several pills at her nightstand, perhaps a reason for her neglect.  Not all coming of age films or dramas are like this one in terms of tone, so there is definitely variety in this genre. I noticed it depends on both age of protagonist and the problem the protagonist is facing. I don't want the tone of my film to match that of this one, I want something more colorful, but if need be I like the idea of the props furthering the story without being too in-your-face. Perhaps my next research film will have a more cheery tone.


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