Genre research: Comedy
In comedy films, the plot is only a vessel for the jokes so the camera is often close to the faces of characters to show their exaggerated expressions.
Shoulder level and eye level angles are used to show the aforementioned exaggerated expressions. Often high or low angles are used to exaggerate as well.
When a subject is moving, often in humorous chase scenes, the film has the camera run with or track the subject. The camera will sometimes pan towards certain objects or people in moments of certain comedic timing.
Close ups and variations of the long and medium shots are used, to show character expression and reactions for comedic effect, as well as long shots paired with certain angles for slapstick purposes
Common Sound in your genre
Diegetic sound tends to be grounded in reality to fit within the films setting, often being a work place or a town, perhaps he comedy is surrounding a certain event like a birthday or wedding. This includes car noises, people talking, objects clattering, etc. Long run-on pieces of dialouge. Nondiegetic sound tends to include voiceovers or internal monologs. I see them the least in these types of filma. Soundtracks do not vary much, often sticking to upbeat ones, cheery ones.
Costumes in coming of age film tend to stay simple unless the plot or comedic purposes calls for them not to be, but they are always grounded in some sort of reality, unless it's a parody of some other genre.
Bright more saturated colors are common in these types of films.
Actors in comedy films are more well known half of the time. Their acting is exaggerated often.
Makeup is kept simple, often undetectable, and it is reflective of the character if it is anything but. It is, however, another vessel for comedy at times.
Props are every day objects more often than not, or they are the opposite and are very outlandish
Common sets include every day areas, schools, work places, weddings.
Common Editing in your genre
Voiceovers are common, as are montages and voice editing.
Example films of your genre
- Paul Blart: Mall cop
- Dumb and Dumb
- Dumb and Dumber 2
- Jo-Jo Rabbit
- Shrek
What elements of the genre that you like?
- I like dark comedies, ones that actually develop and give an emotionally satisfying conclusion for the characters
- I like dark comedies, ones that actually develop and give an emotionally satisfying conclusion for the characters
What elements of the genre do not appeal to you?
Often times normal comedies tend to reuse the same plot points, and the actors are over used. Typically the story is too loose, not developing characters to a nuanced degree.
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