Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie


What is your takeaway from the video?

In making 12 Monkeys, it is only loosely based on La Jette, taking elements and adding or avoiding things he liked or did not like, and that both were a product of their time as well as their creators in a way. Either follow exact conventions. I believe this will help me in coming to terms with how I want to execute my film, as well as taking inspirations from other films i enjoy. 


What is your takeaway from the article?

One film is based off the other, but they are two different films entirely. While one was inspired by the other, the first is more focused on character memory, and the second incorparates that element less, with doomsday elements sprinkled throughout. The more modern one has more modern elements to stay with its audience. That is something I will keep in mind, that my case studies reflect the time the movies were made, so staying with my audience with both dialouge and visual is important


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