Title Research: The boy who Harnessed the Wind
- What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The title as well as the producer, director, etc.
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
Just a field of grass, some villagers, and an establishing mountain shot.
- What connotations do these images carry?
Immersion in the culture of this village, mostly.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
- What connotations do these images carry?
Immersion in the culture of this village, mostly.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
It feels very intimate and homey with the chanting/singing of the village people, so one can assume you'll get to know the characters well.
- What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to it's target audience?
- What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to it's target audience?
It keeps the beginning light and airy to ensure a feeling of security and consistency for its audience.
- How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques
- How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques
The camera doesn't move at all, the camera focusing on the dry grass blowing and then on the background villagers
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