Production blog: Edit making

Editing took a few days. Let it be known that the schedule my partner and I created has mostly been disregarded. Not on purpose though. I just procrastinated making the very last shots of the film. It didn't take very long, but it made the editing process longer. I didn't do the actual editing. I was responsible for the majority of the filming process. The editing process was done mostly by my partner, He received help from a friend of his as well. I think that was a good choice. I myself had help by someone else with filming and puppeting.

The process was similar to the last project. The clips themselves had to be chosen. We took multiple takes. some at slightly differing angles. We took more than expected during filming process. So after the best take was chosen, t usually had to be shortened. That or it was cut off to avoid a choppy shot or scene transition. There was noise in the background of filming, since we had to play the music for consistent lip-synching, so this had to be muted. This is what I did for my first project. The music was layered over everything as well. At least it will be, editing isn't quite done yet, but we should be done by Monday if all goes well.


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